Wednesday, September 29, 2010

something in our engine

what would you expect when your car is giving weird noises
in the middle of non-moving traffic at 6pm?

scary, kan

teringat kembali million instances di mana
berbakul-bakul sumpahan dibaling kepada mana-mana individu bertuah 
yang memilih bucu-bucu strategik untuk
kereta rosak / takde minyak / accident bontot


10 minutes with the weird noises drove us back into the parking lot
15 minutes with tertonggeng-tonggeng and menyepak-nyepak on all sides of the car
we discovered that ada seekor kucing kaler coklat ala-ala engine gitu
terselit dalam engine dekat hujung bumper belah kanan   

before anyone grimaces in horror 
dan membayangkan otak bersepai ataupun bulu terbakar dalam engine tu
perlulah anda tahu bahawa kucing itu selamat!

 the cat is all scared and literally shivering to the bone
even when we are trying to intimidate it with sebatang payung
he/she does not even make a sound, not a single meow

luckily sekonyong-konyong datang pula
a manager from Boost Juice / O'Brien with a big heart
and gather a few of his people to help us tempt the kucing out

after several failed attempts and many-many minutes wasted
we came into a conclusion that we would have to 
screw open the front bumper plastic cover to get it out

tapi sadly i was not there when the kucing got out (tak sempat nak amek gambar!)
my mum dah bising because we have to get back home
he said, kucing tu tak injured kot sebab dia terus lari tak cukup tanah
baru ingat nak simpan wat sacred pet or something

1. trafik di kl cukup sesak sampai kucing sempat masuk dalam engine
2. hidup saya ter O.D. dengan kucing sekarang

p/s: semalam jadik detektif. saya cakap detektif instead of busybody sebab rumahtangga dia memang dah berantakan, ok!

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